Whitewill — real estate experts in off-plan projects in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
Whitewill — local experts in selling properties in off-plan projects in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

User Agreement

This User Agreement (Agreement) is an official offer of the Company to any person (User) intending to use the Site on the terms prescribed herein, regardless of the purpose of such use, to read this Agreement and fully and unconditionally accept it before committing of any actions on the Site by expressing acceptance of the offer, in the manner and on the terms specified herein.

  1. Terms and Definitions

    1. “Agreement” means this User Agreement posted online at: whitewill.ae/the-palace-residences/privacy-agreement
    2. “Company” means WHITEWILL Limited Liability Company, TIN: 5032309922, Register number: 1195081051846, address: 143084, Moscow region, p. Usovo, Odintsovo, building 100, room. 13, e-mail: info@whitewill.ae .
    3. “User” means an individual who is not legally limited in any way to accept this Agreement, acting on his(her) own behalf and in his(her) own interests.
    4. “Site” means the Company's website located a whitewill.ae .
    5. “Site Content” means a set of intellectual property objects (IPO), as well as each IPO separately, which is the following information content, including, but not limited to any textual information, images, photographs, links, video recordings, audio recordings, and so on, owned by the Company.
    6. “Device” means various mobile communication devices (mobile phones, tablets, and their equivalents) or other devices that emulate their use, as well as computers, laptops, and their equivalents.
  2. Introduction

    1. The Parties have agreed that the User who uses the Site is considered familiar with the terms of the Agreement in full and entirely and unconditionally accepts their terms. In turn, the Company undertakes to provide Users with a constant opportunity to study the Agreement’s provisions by publishing it on the Site.
    2. By continuing to use the Site, the User confirms that he(she) is not in a state of delusion (material or insignificant) regarding the characteristics and functionality of the Site, the terms of the Agreement, and his(her) own actions. The User accepts that per this Agreement, the Site for use within limits specified herein and(or) other documents is provided “AS IS” (unless expressly provided otherwise), including without limitation any documentation, improvements, and updates, and the Company does not provide any warranties or conditions (whether express or implied by law and(or) custom) regarding anything, including but not limited to integrability, satisfactory quality, and fitness for use for a particular purpose. The Company also does not warrant that the Site is error-free, will satisfy the User’s requirements, or will function properly when used with any other software or hardware. The Company does not and cannot guarantee the results that the User may obtain by using the Site. The User bears all risks associated with the Site's quality of work and performance.
    3. A User who fully or partially disagrees with the terms of the Agreement and(or) its annexes is not entitled to use the Site and should immediately cease any Site using.
  3. Agreement Acceptance

    1. The User accepts this Agreement the first moment he(she) uses any Site functions, including studying the Site Content.
  4. The Subject of the Agreement

    1. The Company grants the User the right to use the Site through the reproduced graphic part of the Site interface, the Site Content on the Device screen, to interact with the Site interface to perform the following actions:
      1. Study the Site Content;
      2. Callback order;
      3. Switching to the messenger to send a message to the Company;
      4. Other functionality (if any).
    2. The use of the Site is subject to the User’s consent to the personal data processing, as prescribed under the https://whitewill.ae/the-palace-residences/policy1 .
    3. The Company can unilaterally amend this Agreement by publishing its new version on the Site.
  5. Restricted Use

    1. When using the Site, the User is not entitled to perform actions aimed at distribution, sale, translation, modification, reverse engineering, creation of derivative works from the Site, or perform other actions that violate the law.
  6. Intellectual Property

    1. The Company is the exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights to the Site, the Site Content, and any other intellectual property objects.
  7. Miscellaneous

    1. If certain provisions of the Agreement cannot be applied to the specified extent due to legislative restrictions, they are to be replaced by provisions that are as close as possible in their meaning to the original ones and are subject to application in an amended form (including to already established relations).
    2. Should one or more provisions of the Agreement be recognized as invalid in whole or part, other provisions should remain in full force.